Search Tips

Wondering how to Navigate the Hui Panalāʻau Digital Gallery? Easily search by name, place or a string of words by typing into the search bar.

Advanced Search Guide for teachers and researchers:

  • Spaces are treated as an “and” function, so if you search for Margaret Jones, you’ll get all results that include both Margaret AND Jones.
  • Use the vertical bar symbol, |, between words as an OR function, for example, if you are searching for everything that includes either a dog or a horse, your search would be dog | horse.
  • Use quotes around a string of words to find Entries that include that exact string. If you are looking for that blue glass jar, for example, type the phrase enclosed in quotes, like this, “blue glass” and your results will only include items that have the exact phrase “blue glass.” You can be as specific as you wish, for example, “blue glass jar” and if that exact phrase is used in an Entry, it will appear in the search results.
  • Use the + symbol between words to find Entries that include all of those words. If you type in blue+glass, your results will only include the entries that include the word blue AND the word glass. You can string together several words this way to narrow a search.
  • Combine quotes and the + symbol. A search for “blue jar”+tin will result in entries that include both the exact phrase “blue jar” as well as the word “tin.” You’ll find the blue glass jar with a tin lid.
  • Use the – symbol to exclude terms. A search within your “All Entries” of -wood would result in all of your Entries that did not include the word “wood.”
  • Use the + and – symbols together. A search of basket + -willow will result in all of your baskets that did not include the term “willow.”
  • Use the * symbol as a “wild card” suffix. A search of harris* will result in entries that include the name Harris, as well as Harrisville, Harrison, Harrisburg, etc., any other words that start with “Harris.”